Here is information on how to install one of the billing program in Linux, namely OpenKiosk: http://openkiosk.sourceforge.net. This program can NOT be used in LTSP. One of the advantages is that the client / workstation can use the operating system Linux, FreeBSD / OpenBSD, and Windows. Billing program is also free.
Client (which Linux) to use KDE (not Gnome)
How To Install
1. Create a special directory to collect all the programs needed, command2 type the following at the console / terminal:
mkdir / downloads
cd / downloads
2. Download the following programs into / downloads
Client (which Linux) to use KDE (not Gnome)
How To Install
1. Create a special directory to collect all the programs needed, command2 type the following at the console / terminal:
mkdir / downloads
cd / downloads
2. Download the following programs into / downloads
b. kdex11client :
d.Qt: (for Server & Client)
e. BerkeleyDB (for Server & Client)
3. Install BerkeleyDB : (di SERVER & CLIENT)
cd /downloads
tar xzvf db-4.3.28.NC.tar.gz
cd db-4.3.28.NC
cd build_unix
make install
cd ..
cd ..
4. Install Qt : (SERVER & CLIENT)
cd /downloads
bzip2 -d qt-x11-free-3.3.4.tar.bz2
tar xvf qt-x11-free-3.3.4.tar
cd qt-x11-free-3.3.4
Qt will ask whether you agree with the contents of his license, Enter type "yes" and press Enter
make install
cd ..
5. Install Nodeview (controller) (the SERVER)
cd /downloads
tar xzvf nodeview-0.8.3.tar.gz
cd nodeview-0.8.3
make install
Nodeview then be run by typing / usr / local / bin / nodeview
6. Install kdex11client (the CLIENT)
cd /downloads
tar xzvf kdex11client-0.3.1b.tar.gz
cd kdex11client-0.3.1b
make install
7. Run Nodeview
Nodeview will ask for login to the Administrator. Because we run it the first time, then we can type anything as the password.
8. Setup Nodeview
Select the Settings menu - Configuration.
Click the tab Workstation,
Click on SETUP,
Enter a workgroup name (free of course, eg cafe)
Click the ADD,
Click CLOSE,
Put the computers in your cafe:
In the "station name", enter the computer name (example: klien1, klien2, etc.)
In the "IP address", enter the IP address of this computers.
Then click on "ADD / EDIT" to add
Close everything, Nodeview will ask for the password for the Administrator, enter up to you. Then run it again Nodeview. Now OpenKiosk program is ready for your use.
Hopefully useful..
Close everything, Nodeview will ask for the password for the Administrator, enter up to you. Then run it again Nodeview. Now OpenKiosk program is ready for your use.
Hopefully useful..